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Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia

List Price£ 2,500Discount–50%Net Price£ 1,250
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A three-page top-level summary of a country's current distribution market. Analyse the market by Overall, Value market and Volume market splits. Showcasing the top 10 Industries, Categories and Vendors by revenues.

Value Definition
Value products are characterised by high-end features, targeted at corporate environments, and typically sold in lower volumes. Categorisation is driven by vendor- and category-level rules, rather than product-level sorting. Example of categories - Servers, Disk Arrays, Large Format Displays

Volume Definition
Volume products are defined by lower-end specifications, aimed at mainstream consumers, and sold in competitive markets. These products are categorised based on key specifications, end-user types, and other qualitative factors. Example of categories - Notebooks, Smartphones, Desktops


- Overview
- Value Market
- Volume Market